This one thing is ruining a woman’s ability to lose weight, quality of life, and potentially their fertility.
If you’re a human, you’ve thought about losing weight at some moment in your life.
And, quite frankly, that’s a necessary endeavor for many.
Obesity is at *remarkable* numbers today. Things like blood sugar balance, abdominal circumference, and daily movement should be on everyone’s minds.
With a healthy approach.
A huge problem today, though, is women trying to be just like men.
In every aspect of our lives. Especially when it comes to nutrition.
The reality?
Women are not men. Having a uterus and ovaries is a great place to start. The symphony of hormonal balances that are required to keep a man and a woman’s brain and heart healthy for years to come is quite different.
Men work on a 24 hour a day hormonal cycle where testosterone is highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Then resets the next morning.
Women, however, have a 28-35 day (when healthy) hormonal cycle.
They’re just not the same.
Insert problems when men see success doing intermittent fasting (for example) and women try to do the same only to…oh, I don’t know, not ovulate? Binge at night? Mentally decline thinking their body is broken?
Research shows that even slight calorie deficits can cause hormonal irregularities in women.
Sometimes these irregularities go unnoticed initially. What are they?
Luteal phase defects. Low progesterone. Not ovulating.
These are some issues associated with infertility.
In addition, progesterone is a super hormone. Women should be *doing everything in their power* to make enough progesterone. (Here’s a great article)
It is heart and brain protective as we age. Every time a woman ovulates progesterone is released. Every ovulation, and thereby progesterone surge, is a deposit in that woman’s future health.
In addition, progesterone is calming, makes you feel good.
By the way, it’s possible to not be ovulating and to not have sufficient progesterone, but to still have a monthly bleed (why many of the issues listed above go unnoticed).
PMS, moodiness, extreme cravings, interrupted sleep, and fertility issues, all coincide with anovulation (lack of ovulation) and low progesterone.
***Another noteworthy point, if you’re on the birth control pill you are not ovulating. Therefore, you are not benefiting from the results of ovulating.
***And to reiterate, it’s possible to have a monthly bleed and to not ovulate. However, if you ovulate, you will absolutely have a period. (It’s tricky, but you need to know it.)
So what’s the problem?
Women are prone to embarking on extreme weight loss endeavors.
This can, however, ruin their quality of life, fertility, and future health and wellness. (Remember, progesterone has an anti-inflammatory effect, protecting us as we age.)
What should you do?
Most women should focus on first nourishing their body. Implementing habits that promote preventative measures, such as: high quality food choices, daily movement, blood sugar balance, and other habits for wellness.
When women (and men) do this consistently in Wellness in Bloom, things change. And yes, sometimes weight loss occurs.
Also, eat enough food, understanding a happy hormonal balance in the end will help you achieve the body you want.
What good is a skinnier body if you feel like crap, have horrible PMS, are a moody individual, and can’t workout like you want to? Oh, and if that extreme dieting approach is actually increasing your risk for disease as you age?
Spending time at a healthier calorie range can heal your hormones. It’s changed the lives of my clients, my own life, and it can change yours. Also, that healthy calorie range for most women is likely more than 2000 calories per day. Yes, more than.
Want to hear how to eat well and hit your goals? Apply to get started today.
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