Priscilla Barnes

Have you received a diagnosis of insulin resistance? Or are you concerned it might be at the heart of your health issues? It very well could be.

In the US, it is estimated that close to 60-70 million individuals are affected by insulin resistance.

So what is it?

Insulin resistance is when the body cannot use a key hormone for blood sugar balance, insulin, effectively.

When we consume glucose, insulin is released by the pancreas. Insulin is required to allow glucose to enter the cell. Without insulin, glucose remains in the bloodstream, where it can wreck havoc and cause inflammation.

In a normal balanced setting, we eat glucose, insulin is released, and glucose enters the cells.

However, when there is a consistent excess of insulin, the effect of insulin on our cells becomes less effective. The key that once worked to allow glucose into the cells, just doesn’t get the job done. So what does the body do? It releases more insulin. This increase in insulin perpetuates the problem.

What we want to have is a body that is sensitive to insulin. One that responds readily to insulin.

However, most people live in such a glucose imbalanced lifestyle, that insulin is readily released and the body becomes resistant. We don’t focus on eating macro-balanced meals, building muscle, daily movement, stress management, and as a result, our blood sugar and insulin levels are not balanced.

This can lead to many health and wellness issues, such as:


Cardiovascular Disease

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Metabolic Syndrome

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

And many other health and wellness concerns.

How does Insulin Resistance affect your wellness?

Insulin resistance is a result of imbalance blood sugar levels. This imbalance, if left untreated, can lead to diabetes.

In addition, individuals with insulin resistance can also develop:

Higher triglyceride levels

Atherosclerosis (thickening of the arteries)

High Blood Pressure

Insulin resistance should be on everyone’s minds. It is an inflammatory process that lies at the heart of many chronic health issues.

The good news? It’s reversible.

Here are 4 ways to start to reverse insulin resistance:

  1. Walk daily: one of the best preventative medicine tools with multiple benefits, walking has been shown to help balance blood sugar levels and to improve insulin sensitivity.

  2. Eat enough protein: balancing blood sugar levels goes beyond calories. It requires us to look at macronutrients, especially protein. One of the simplest dietary changes that can improve insulin sensitivity is to eat enough protein with every meal and snack.

  3. Sleep: Get enough sleep and make sure it is high quality. Sleep impairments, such as obstructive sleep apnea, have been shown to alter glucose tolerance and to increase inflammation. One of the best things we can do to improve glucose and insulin levels is to get high quality sleep.

  4. Myo-inositol: Myo-inositol is a supplement that affects glucose levels much like metformin (minus the GI issues). Myo-inositol has been shown to improve glucose levels and insulin sensitivity. It is one of my favorite supplements to recommend for clients with any insulin resistance symptoms, especially those with PCOS.

Our blood sugar levels, and our body’s ability to stabilize them, has a great effect on our current and future health.

Improving your blood sugar levels starts with small, simple habits. These 4 steps are a great place to start. Feel free to contact me for more about my insulin resistance plan.

If you think you have insulin resistance and need more help, apply to join my program today.

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