Priscilla Barnes


That’s not a typo.

That’s a legit term.

As you’ve likely noticed, it’s the combination of the two words inflammation + aging. So what does it mean exactly?

It is the subtle, but low grade inflammation that many times accompanies getting older.

As we age, the likelihood of developing a host of diseases increases.

At any age, young or old, chronic, low grade inflammation is seen as the “common soil” promoting some of the most potent health issues facing millions today: Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer.

So what are we supposed to do? Sit back and expect to have horrible health as we age?

Yeah, that’s a no for me.


Because combating inflammation TODAY can greatly improve your quality of life as you age.

How can you combat it?

Here are my top tips:

  1. Exercise

    Exercise can be an anti-inflammatory tool, especially as we age

    It’s never too late to add in exercise, too. After merely 12 weeks, participants in this research study were noted to have lower inflammatory markers.

    If you feel overwhelmed, or don’t know where to start, just know that something is always better than nothing. I challenge my clients to find movement they love. Find something you see yourself doing in the future.  As always, walking, in my opinion is one of the most underrated tools.
  2. Build muscle

    Wait, but didn’t I just say exercise already? Yes, but building muscle, to me, is a bit more intentional.

    You could swim, run, bike ride, jazzercise, whatever workout you love to do.

    However, building muscle specifically, is huge when it comes to inflammation and aging.

    Why? A study found that strength training improves C-Reactive Protein levels (a biomarker for inflammation) as well as improved glucose levels. Excess glucose can cause inflammation, as well. Double win for building muscle.
  3. Eat an array of fruits and vegetables

    Fiber. Minerals like potassium and magnesium. Anti-oxidants.

    Some of the best reasons to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  4. Prioritize quality sleep

    Poor sleep is linked with higher inflammation. If you want to combat inflammation at any stage of life, getting high quality, uninterrupted sleep is key.

Remember, inflammation by itself is not necessarily bad. It is a normal, healthy, protective mechanism in our body.

However, it’s the chronic state that can cause issues.

Taking small steps today, no matter your current health or age will greatly decrease inflammation and promote your overall well-being.

Need help getting started? Apply to work with me here.

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